Rebel Bit (Italy 意大利)
Rebel Bit is an innovative team of musicians, creating a soundscape combining vocal music and electronic experimentation. Their sound shows influences from classical to modern and contemporary music, with an eye to electronic innovation. Characteristic vocal effects such as loops, instrument simulation, and electronic processing set them apart from other European groups. Their Album PAPER FLIGHTS (2018) had five nominations at the Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards (CARA) and five A Cappella Video Awards. Their second record COME (2021) received two CARA awards as "Best electronic / experimental album" and "Best professional arrangement". They have performed at festivals worldwide, including Los Angeles A Cappella Festival, vokal.total, Moscow Spring Festival, Vocalmente, Solevoci Festival, VivaVoce Festival, Levante A Cappella Festival, and Correvoce Festival. In 2023, they became the Artistic Directors of Vocalmente A Cappella Festival.
Rebel Bit是一支創新的音樂團隊,致力於融合人聲音樂和電子實驗,創造獨特的「聲音景觀」。他們的音樂風格受古典到當代音樂影響,並注重電子創新。通過獨特的人聲效果,如循環、樂器模擬和電子處理,使他們在歐洲團體中脫穎而出。他們的專輯《PAPER FLIGHTS》(2018)獲得了五項當代無伴奏合唱錄音獎(CARA)提名和五項無伴奏合唱視頻獎,而他們的第二張專輯《COME》(2021)則獲得了兩項CARA獎,分別是「最佳電子/實驗專輯」和「最佳專業編曲」。他們的足跡遍布全球,包括洛杉磯無伴奏合唱節、vokal.total、莫斯科春季音樂節、Vocalmente、Solevoci音樂節、VivaVoce音樂節、Levante音樂節和Correvoce音樂節。2023年,他們還成為了Vocalmente音樂節的藝術總監。

The Island Voices (Singapore 新加坡)
Brimming with energy and exuberance, The Island Voices is an award winning vocal ensemble that embodies the spirit of Singapore. Bursting onto the music scene just 3 years ago, this remarkable group has already graced the prestigious Singapore National Day Parade in both 2022 and 2023. The band most recently represented Singapore in the 2024 vokal.total A Cappella competition where they competed against international groups from the UK, Germany and came in 2nd place! They previously also received the Gold Medal First Runners-up award when they took part in the Taiwan International Vocal Festival World Contemporary A Cappella Competition in 2023. Founded in Singapore, made for the world.
氣勢如虹、活力四射。The Island Voices(島嶼之聲)是一支屢獲殊榮的人聲樂團,完美詮釋新加坡的音樂精神。這支矚目的樂團雖然成立僅三年,卻已在2022及2023年連續兩屆國慶日大遊行中大放異彩。樂團最近代表新加坡參加了2024年vokal.total無伴奏合唱大賽,與來自英國、德國的國際團隊競爭,並獲得第二名。他們此前還在2023年台灣國際重唱藝術節世界盃現代阿卡貝拉大賽中勇奪金牌第二名,為新加坡爭光。源自獅城,放眼世界。

Tufts Beelzebubs (USA 美國)
Tufts Beelzebubs, a premier collegiate a cappella group from Tufts University, located in Medford, Massachusetts, have built a legacy of spreading "Fun Through Song". Affectionately known as the Bubs, the group was founded in 1962 and has been at the forefront of contemporary a cappella ever since. As pioneers, the Bubs have released numerous acclaimed albums, lastly being their 33rd studio album, "Delirium", which was released this past October. Aside from their album productions, the Bubs have also contributed to a variety of popular projects, including being the voices of the Warblers on hit TV series "Glee", and were also runners up on the second season of NBC's hit show, "The Sing Off". With over 6 decades of tradition and innovation, the Bubs continue to push the envelope of mainstream a cappella.
來自美國麻省塔夫茨大學的頂級大學無伴奏合唱團Tufts Beelzebubs,以「用音樂傳播歡樂」為己任。樂迷暱稱他們為「Bubs」。這支成立於1962年的傳奇樂團,一直是當代無伴奏音樂的先驅。作為業界翹楚,樂團已推出逾33張錄音室專輯,最新的一張《Delirium》於去年十月面世。除了專輯製作,樂團更曾參與多個矚目的流行文化項目,包括在熱門電視劇《Glee》中擔任Warblers組合,並在NBC選秀節目《The Sing Off》第二季中榮膺亞軍。經過六十多年的傳統與創新,Tufts Beelzebubs持續引領無伴奏音樂的發展。

Tunatics (HK 香港)
Tunatics A Cappella, formed in 2015 at HKUST, is a vibrant ensemble of "Lunatics" who live and breathe music. The name, a blend of "Tune" and "Lunatics", reflects our passionate commitment to creating unforgettable musical experiences through a diverse repertoire that includes pop, classical, and original compositions. Their competitive achievements speak for themselves. They have earned numerous accolades, such as the Gold Award at the 2018 Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macau Art Exhibition, championships at the Mainland, Hong Kong, and Macau College A Cappella Competitions in 2016, 2020, and 2021, and the title at the 2022 Hong Kong – Macau Collegiate A Cappella Competition. More recently, after finishing as first runner-up at the Hong Kong A Cappella Contest in 2023, we went on to achieve International Champion, Hong Kong Champion, Best Harmony, and Best Presentation awards in the Open Division in 2024.
來自香港科技大學的吞拿魚清唱團(Tunatics),成立於2015年,是一群熱愛音樂的「Lunatics」,其團名融合了 「Tune」 與 「Lunatics」,象徵對音樂的無比熱情與執著。他們曲目橫跨流行、古典及原創作品,充分展現成員多元的背景與獨特的音樂影響力。他們曾於2018年榮獲廣東—港澳藝術展覽金獎,在2016、2020及2021年的粵港澳大專無伴奏合唱比賽中奪冠,2022年更摘得港澳大專無伴奏合唱冠軍。近期更在2023香港無伴奏合唱比賽中奪得亞軍,並於2024年成功獲得國際組冠軍、香港組冠軍、最佳和聲與最佳舞台效果獎等多項榮譽。